Update from Sam Marwood

August 2023

I’ve been on the road recently around Canberra, Sydney and the NSW Southern Highlands. Wherever I go, farmers are telling me the same thing – they are worried about the future of the farm and the community. I know we are on the right track with Cultivate Farms because we are finding solutions to these problems, one farm at a time.

As part of the trip, I spoke to the Rural Financial Counsellors Chairs and Officers Conference. These guys see the best and worst of the financial impact of farms on regional Australia, so it was awesome to be able to show how we are approaching farm ownership in Australia. For people that spend their days crunching numbers and adhering to standards, I was heartened to see that they were happy to embrace a new way of thinking around farm ownership and transition

As the founder of Cultivate Farms, I am really excited about some of the opportunities that are coming up for us at the end of this year, and the opportunities these will provide to our members. I look forward to sharing them as soon as I can.

September is your last month to be able to apply for farms unless you are a premium member. With membership fees only $199 + GST for the year, we hope that you will seriously consider becoming a member. Membership helps Cultivate Farms continue to act on your behalf, tracking down opportunities for farm ownership, and raising awareness in older farmers about the possibility of transition.

June 2023

Hello everyone,    

Sam Marwood here from Cultivate Farms. When I founded Cultivate Farms back in 2017, I knew that there was great opportunity in Australia to help young people onto their own piece of dirt and into a great farming career. While the pathway for Cultivate Farms might now have always been clear, we’ve stayed true to our vision of rejuvenating regional communities. 

With Amy now at the helm as CEO of Cultivate Farms, we will be able to broaden the reach and impact of our work. I’m not going anywhere – in fact with Amy on board I get to do more of what I love. I’m working hard at finding more opportunities for aspiring farm owners, and there’s some things I’ve been working on in the background that I can’t wait to share in the next few months. 

I really hope that this newsletter will give you insight into what we’ve been doing, and where we are going with Cultivate Farms. Our community has always been what makes Cultivate Farms so special, and what inspired me to work hard and advocate for you all. Over the next few months, all our community platforms, our social media groups and website will be getting a shot-in-the-arm to make them work better for you too.  

I want you to take a minute out of your hustle for farms and enjoy reading this newsletter. With winter on its way, take some warmth from the fact that Cultivate Farms is on your side, and we want to be with you every step of the way for your farm ownership journey.  

