NSW – Lismore region
The current owners of this property are eager to help a farmer onto the land. They are looking for suitable, keen individuals to join them in regenerating the land through high rotation grazing, and adopt regenerative farming principles.
The property is 110 hectares on floodplain country consisting of 6 paddocks, with good water and infrastructure. The owners may also be able to help set up accommodation on the property if required.
The current owners are also experienced and passionate about regenerative agriculture and happy to help the farmer tap into more higher end markets should they wish to build their own brand and market direct to customer.
The opportunity is for someone to transition this property from a conventionally run tea tree plantation, towards a regenerative livestock farm running beef cattle, pigs, poultry and possibly sheep using regenerative management principles. The owner is looking for an aspiring farm owner who is proactive in helping to define a trtransition plan that works for both parties.
If you are an aspiring farmer and interested in knowing more, please email Amy on amy@cultivatefarms.com to get more information.